Our polybag
Available in various sizes
Cap size
Various cap sizes from
20 mm - 80 mm
Slice thickness
Various slice thicknesses
from 4 mm - 9 mm
Pack size
Standard packaging includes
10 kg polybags
Preserved mushrooms applications
Burgers, soups, sauces, pizzas, wraps, spreads, paté, salads, pastries, pastas, risotto, omelettes
Our Polybag Factory
Our polybag factory Comé is located in Horst. After the mushrooms have been picked at the farm, the crates are wheeled into the hall as quickly as possible. The mushrooms are immediately placed in a vacuum where they suck up water. Mushrooms contain quite a bit of air: by placing them into a vacuum this gets replaced by water, making sure they won’t float to the surface when in the blanching kettle. Blanching (heating something in almost boiling water) is the first step to prolonging the mushrooms’ shelf life.
Looking for more information or interested in a sample? Contact us below.